Family Ministry
Guiding children in the faith formation process is one of the most important ministries of the church. Research has shown that children are actually born with a spiritual faculty that is nurtured and developed as they hear the Biblical story, participate in the traditions and spiritual practices of Christian faith, hear faith testimonies from others and see them enacting their faith, annd engaging in service. Faith formation does not just happen on Sunday morning at church, it also happens at home and throughout the week..
We enjoy having the children worship with us on Sunday. Don’t worry about any noise they might make, we don’t mind.
As you arrive for worship on Sunday, there is a table with activities for the children. There are bags with a scripture story for the week and a craft activity. There are pictures to color that relate to the scripture or theme of the season. And, there are bags with Legos. As children arrive for church, they are able to pick up whatever materials they would like and take them into the sanctuary and work with them during the service or take the bags home.
We hope that the children’s activities will help children to have a positive experience when they come to church.
Toddler Room
Our Toddler Room is available for parents of preschool children to use during the Worship Service allowing their toddlers to explore the various areas. The service audio is piped into the room.
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