Designed in a more traditional format, our service enjoys the Chancel Choir, monthly selections by our Handbell Choir, organ and piano selections, and the use of The United Methodist Hymnal and its companion, The Faith We Sing. The sermon based on one of the weekly lectionary readings is the centerpiece of the service. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month and is open to all. Van service is provided from Wesley Homes and Judson Park
There are activity bags for the children to use during the worship service.
Our church observes a Safe Sanctuary Policy & is handicap accessible
Chancel Choir
Thursdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm practice
Handbell Choir
Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm practice
Prayer Blanket Ministry
This ministry by the entire congregation is more than just a blanket to provide warmth, but is a visible symbol of the countless prayers of many represented by the knots that surround the blanket. The blankets are given not only to members of this congregation, but to relatives and friends as well; many being sent all across our country. What a wonderful way to show our love and concern for one another!
We give an average of 30 blankets each year. These blankets are possible because of the donations from members of the congregation, both through purchased fabric and through monetary gifts to the Prayer Blanket’s designated fund. Since this ministry started in 2007, it has been self-sustaining because of your generosity. Listening to the stories of those who have received the blankets, it is evident that they are a priceless gift and one that is cherished by all who have received them.
Palm Sunday
Passion Sunday